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National WebCheck Electronic Fingerprinting

Ohio law requires that all individuals must have a baseline Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) and FBI criminal background check at the time they apply for their first Ohio educator license, certificate or permit, and those BCI and FBI background checks must be no older than one year (365 days) at the time they are used for initial licensure.

If an individual then resides continuously in Ohio, he or she does not need to update the BCI background check, but must obtain an updated FBI check once every five years.

If an individual lives outside Ohio at any time during the five years after obtaining a BCI check, then both background checks will need to be updated.

This applies to all individuals holding a state of Ohio educator license, certificate or permit, including a non-tax certificate (no expiration date), a permanent certificate (no expiration date) and an eight-year professional certificate.

It is the responsibility of educators holding ODE licenses, certificates or permits, as well as their employers, to ensure that the law is followed with regard to obtaining required updated background checks within the five year timeframe prescribed by law, even if the expiration of a background check does not always coincide with the expiration of the license.


Fee Schedule for Background Checks

BCI (State)

FBI (Federal)

BFBI (State and Federal)


National WebCheck Brochure


Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

South Central Ohio Educational Service Center
522 Glenwood Avenue,
New Boston, Ohio 45662
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