About Us
Our mission at Scioto County Aspire is to provide adult learners with an educationally stimulating environment. Our program strives to treat each adult learner with respect and assist them in growing in their roles as learners, family members, community members, and employees.
Scioto County Aspire provides FREE services for individuals needing assistance acquiring necessary skills to be successful in post-secondary education and training, as well as employment. To meet diverse needs, classes are offered at different times and locations. Students are required to attend orientation, where they will be assessed to determine their individual educational needs and goals. Our Aspire classes involve individual instruction and various teaching methods designed to help further your education. Students have the advantage of working at their own pace with other adults in an informal setting.
GED Services
General Educational
Development Test
Scioto County Aspire offers GED preparation services for adult learners. Ohio residents ages 18 or older who left high school without graduating may earn their GED credential.
The GED test is a set of four academic tests; Reading and Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. A minimum score of 145 is required to pass each test.
General Educational
Development Test Cost
Each GED test costs $36 for a total cost of $144. Adult learners who participate in GED preparation through Scioto County Aspire will be assisted in obtaining a voucher to reduce individual test costs to $16 per test for a total of $64.
Additional Services
Distance Learning
Digital Literacy
College Readiness Courses
Workforce Education
Ohio Adult Diploma
Ohio Adult Diploma WorkKeys Test
The Ohio Adult Diploma program offers job training to earn an industry-recognized credential aligned to one of Ohio's in-demand jobs, and an alternative pathway for adult learners, 18 years and older, to earn their high school equivalency.
Adult learners who participate in the Adult Diploma Program must pass the ACT WorkKeys test before the start of their job training. A cumulative score of 14 must be earned in the three test components: Workplace Documents, Graphic Literacy, and Applied Math. (Note: A minimum score of 4 must be received on each test. Minimum score requirements for job training vary.)
ACT WorkKeys Test Cost
The ACT WorkKeys Test is FREE for those participating in the Adult Diploma Program.
Job Training Cost
Job Training is FREE for those participating in the Adult Diploma Program. Please contact us for more information regarding Adult Diploma Programs currently offered.
IET Program
Integrated Education and Training
Integrated Education and Training is a service approach that provides adult education and literacy activities concurrently and contextually with workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purpose of education and career advancement.
Integrated Education and Training must contain the following three components: adult education and literacy activities, workforce preparation activities, and workforce training.
Scioto County Aspire currently offers Integrated Education and Training Programs for Chemical Dependency Counselor Assistant (CDCA) and Registered Behavior Technician (RBT).
ESOL Classes
English for Speakers of Other Languages
Our ESOL program is designed to help students whose native language is not English and who want to increase their English language skills.
Irais Garcia Rivera
ESOL Instructor
Visit Us
522 Glenwood Avenue
New Boston, Ohio 45662
Facebook: Scioto County Aspire
Instagram: @sciotocountyaspire